If you were surfing El Porto Sunday morning (January 29, 2023), you may have seen me walking down the beach with my son, collecting shells and taking photos (between 8 and 10:30 AM).
If you were there at the same time, I may have taken a photo of you (and if you saw me in my big hat pointing a camera in your direction, the odds are higher)! I know there are several photogs who are in the business of taking pics of surfers at the beach, and I wanted to share some of my favorites from today. Check out the album linked below for all the pics (I'm just sharing a small sample here). This guy doing headstands on his board was a riot.

If you see a photo you like in the linked album, I have print and digital files available for purchase. Also, if I have a shot up of you and you don't want me to share it, please let me know. And if you don't see your photo, contact me or check back in a few days; I have a lot of files still to look through. Want a print, wall art, or a mug with your mug on it (ha)? Get it here: https://www.el-porto-to-manhatta.sarahaphotography.com/
Just want a web-resolution file to share to your socials or email to your grandma? Get it here: https://sarahainsworthphotographyla.shootproof.com/gallery/20658326

Looked like it was a lot of fun out there today! Hope you enjoy the pics.
XO Sarah